Research by Alan Blair, Senior Lecturer at the University of New South Wales

June 28, 2019
Read Alan's research papers

Professor Alan Blair, Senior Lecturer at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), is the author of more than 70 papers on the themes of co-evolutional learning, dynamic language comprehension, humanising AI, evolutional art, computational intelligence and problem solving around both games and robotics.

Co-evolutional learning, human / AI behaviour

What makes a good co-evolutionary learning environment? 1997

Coevolution of a Backgammon player 1997

Co-evolutionary learning: machines and humans schooling together 1998

Co-evolution in the successful learning of Backgammon strategy 1998

Co-evolutionary learning - lessons for human education? 1999

Co-evolution, determinism and robustness 1999

Training intelligent agents using human Internet data 1999

Effects of damage to the CDM Stroop model (comparing network damage to neurodegeneration in humans) 2000

Training intelligent agents using human data collected on the Internet 2001

Getting the job done in a hostile environment (animals behaviour in hostile environment to train agents) 2001

An improved minibrain that learns through both positive and negative feedback 2006

Evolving Plastic Neural Networks for Online Learning: Review and Future Directions 2012

Constructivist simulations for path search algorithms 2017

Dynamic language comprehension

Quasi-orthogonal maps for dynamic language recognition 1997

Analysis of dynamical recognizers 1997

Loanword formation: a neural network approach 1998

Inductive bias in context-free language learning 1998

A paradox of neural encoders and decoders or Why don't we talk backwards? 1999

Learning to predict a context-free language: Analysis of dynamics in recurrent hidden units 1999

Hill climbing in recurrent neural networks for learning the anbncn language 1999

Evolving learnable languages 2000

Representation Beyond Finite States: Alternatives to Push-Down Automata (Dynamic recurrent Networks in language (non regular, context free, context sensitive) 2001

Learning to predict the phonological structure of English loanwords in Japanese 2003

Learning the dynamics of embedded clauses 2003

Incremental training of first order recurrent neural networks to predict a context-sensitive language 2003

A structure preserving crossover in Grammatical Evolution 2005

A self-selecting crossover operator 2006 (Grammatical Evolution across a typical numeric regression problem and a typical data classification problem. Grammatical Evolution is an extension of Genetic Programming, in that it is an algorithm for evolving complete programs in an arbitrary language)

Dynamically Defined Functions in Grammatical Evolution 2006

Automated Generation of Environments to Test the General Learning Capabilities of AI Agents 2014

Humanising AI, biologically inspired

Creating Characters for Dynamic Stories in Interactive Games 2001

An improved minibrain that learns through both positive and negative feedback 2006

Complexity-based speciation and genotype representation for neuroevolution 2016

Co-Evolving line drawings with hierarchical evolution 2017

Complex image and landscape analysis, evolutional art

Distinctive feature analysis of natural landmarks as a front end for SLAM applications 2004

Texture and distinctness analysis for natural feature extraction 2005

Distinctness analysis on natural landmark descriptors 2006

Training of Recurrent Internal Symmetry Networks by Backpropagation 2009

An Abstract Deep Network for Image Classification 2012

 Incremental Evolution of HERCL Programs for Robust Control (tested on benchmark classification tasks)  2014

Transgenic Evolution for Classification Tasks with HERCL 2015

Co-Evolving line drawings with hierarchical evolution 2017

Adversarial image generation using evolution and deep learning 2018

Problem solving – games and conundrums

Coevolution of a Backgammon player 1997

Why did TD-Gammon work? 1997

The evolution of subtle manoeuvres in simulated hockey 1998

Co-evolution in the successful learning of Backgammon strategy 1998

Exploring evolutionary learning in a simulated hockey environment 1999

Exploitation and peacekeeping: introducing more sophisticated interactions to the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma 2001

Effective use of transposition tables in stochastic game tree search 2007

Learning position evaluation for Go with internal symmetry networks 2008

Bootstrapping from game tree search (learning from search) 2009

Learning a multi-player Chess game with TreeStrap 2016

Problem solving – robotics

Motion control for fast mobile robots: a trajectory-based approach 2000

Towards an efficient optimal trajectory planner for multiple mobile robots 2003

Deriving Sensor Models and Non-Linear Filtering for Exponentials of Polynomials 2007

Decentralised data fusion with exponentials of polynomials 2007

Computational Intelligence, learning and problem solving  –  approaches

Decentralised data fusion with exponentials of polynomials 2007

Training of Recurrent Internal Symmetry Networks by Backpropagation 2009

Bootstrapping from game tree search 2009

Learning the Caesar and Vigenere Cipher by Hierarchical Evolutionary Re-Combination 2013

Incremental Evolution of HERCL Programs for Robust Control (tested on benchmark classification tasks)  2014

Coarse and Fine Learning in Deep Networks 2014

Transgenic Evolution for Classification Tasks with HERCL 2015

 Parallel Hierarchical Evolution of String Library Functions 2016

Complexity-based speciation and genotype representation for neuroevolution 2016